Pacific Domes

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Pacific Domes

Simplicity, durability, affordability, motility, and least not last of all environmentally friendliness are most sought out life style choices of the times. It may not be even desirable choices they are mandate able responsibilities,responsibilities to all current inhabitants of mother earth and those coming barnon.

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Chaos, order, ritual and rule boundedness.

Chaos, order, ritual and rule boundedness.

 It so happened that all natural phenomenon are governed by sets of rules that often keeps the entirety of the natural system intact and functional that humanity had found out to be rational, logical, and rule bound.  Rules are adhered to and followed rigorously without exceptions and when exceptions are broken it often leads to a total collapse, or an establishment of a whole new order . When rules are strictly followed it is often how the statuesque is kept everything falls in its place and acts accordingly. It is these following of rules without exception and with the full detail that is what the Confucians call ritual conduct. 

 All rituals have formalities to be followed, movements and gestures to be conducted and rites to be performed and ultimately specialities to be conferred on to qualifications which will be expected to be acted according to qualifications in the system. Rituals in that sense are not confined to the grand occasional ceremonial functions, it is rather the everyday expected functions of the individual member of the system without exception or minimal exceptions for a normal functioning of the system as whole . This routine in other words is the following of the written and unwritten rules of the system. while rigorous rule following for stability of a system is common to both living and non living systems, the rules and rituals there off of the nonliving systems is often rigid and predictable with in a given parameters while the rituals and rules of the game even in a given parameters and defined circumstances are often complex, dynamic, contagious and indeterminate for a simple reason that life even in the most rudimentary form is intrinsically able to choose, imitate, counteract and choose its actions, and its actions could some times defy established rules even to the determent of its own interests. And above all else the actions of one member of system is either countered or complimented by any or all other members equally unpredictably. While there are mostly known choices in a fixed set of circumstances for non living things,  for living things on the contrary the choices are mostly infinite and dependent on each acting entity’s choice even for a set of known and defined circumstances even for the simplest and smallest of them. Not only that each entities action is either complimented or negated by some or all of the other member entities in their system rather causing either a cascaded amplification and transformation of the system or negation and causing a catastrophic collapse of the whole. It is after all this intrinsic ability to defy established rules and act in defiance to established rules and rituals on every stage of the ladder when opportunity arises that lead it to climb to the zenith it finds itself, to day and to the many perils that left so much debris of its extinct branches along the path.  life’s finding a new opportunity at every challenge it faced and every hill it had to climb and the same ability to choose and the unpredictability of its actions had indeed accorded it the awesome ways it had pushed itself, live and continue to thrive even in the unfathomable circumstances and transform itself in to forms and shapes beyond any thing can to date compute and resolve. life is and has been and perhaps may continue to be both an individual affair and cooperative endeavor right from its inception; as it is by chance of happenstance that a bacteria found engulfed by another that formed the first cyanobacteria of the fusion that solved the challenge of putting out more energy than is taken in. the fusion of two bacteria, two single celled bacteria in to a single entity comprising of two cooperative cellular entities that founded the corner stone of life as we know is singular and cooperative from the outset and its survival depends on its ability to cooperate, whiteout which it wouldn’t have the ability and efficiency to produce more than it could take in. The genius of life started at this foundational efficacy and efficiency laid out by Cyanobacteria and the rest as they say is history in continuum.

  On the way up the ladder of evolutionary growth cooperative, interactive interdependent connected and free acting and rule bounded and confined member kept on increasing some times in numbers and at other times in the degree of freedom of action and specialization kept on building effecting and affecting incalculable complexity life is known for. This eons long evolutionary process is often in exhibition as a microcosm by every individual life forms ritual of birth to death cellular actions and interactions in matters of days months and years depending on various attributes of the individual life form. All but as a result of the same ingenuity of producing more energy than is taken in by life and without which all life’s achievements including human being’s would have been impossible. in other words all life on our beloved earth and all great and not so great actions and interactions are mere results of this foundational bacterial smarts. talking about smarts even the so famed human brain is a system comprising of billions of neurons acting and interacting in consort which could do nothing or little to account for what the system is famed for individually. It is the product of these efficient billions of neurons the work to effect the marvel we call thinking and consciousness. An efficiency nothing could equal that humanity had to date discovered or made. 

 Rule boundedness and rituals are not therefore limited to human society but much deeper and intrinsic in nature, equally is the choice of action in living things ever since the first organic compound congealed and formed the so called “primordial soup” from the elements of carbon, hydrogen, Nitrogen, phosphorus  and oxygen. From there on, there has been choice of action and choices were dependent on infinite variables that lead to the infinite possibilities and infinite permutations that lead to the awesome indeed infinite forms, shapes and contents that we came to witness. As choices of action presupposes motility, life’s freedom of choice of action is manifested in its freedom of movement, a movement that helped it move around barriers, climb hills, roll down hills, cross valleys think and make choices. After all it is only though motion that work is done as is stated in classical physics and it remains true all through and through no matter where and when and life’s one of the great inventions is motility with help of acquired efficiency producing  surplus energy out from what it takes in and be able to perform work. In short perpetual work is what differentiates living thing from nonliving. when life ceases to perform work it is at rest and if it is at rest it is no more living.

   The need to move is easy to understand because work could only be done ultimately by moving a mass through a distance even in micro and nano scales. just like in the macro physical definition and classical definition that could only be possible when there is surplus energy after internal needs are fulfilled and that is only achieved by life which can produce enough for its internal need and produce surplus.  By the same token no life form of a kind is dependent and not independent either to achieve such level of efficiency and efficacy as indicated by division of labor and specialization from the out set. To perform what is for the greater good can only be accomplished by adding the extra surpluses in what is called cooperation  and that is what building entails and is fundamentally and is understood by life very very early on or else none of what we pride ourselves on today could have come about. I would like to quote here from professor Peter M. Hofmann’s book  Life’s Ratchet as it is written on page 101 paragraph 3 “ One of my recent graduate students Vekatesh Subba-Rao, likes to tell the following anecdote :He once listened to a talk by a visiting scientist about structures in liquid crystals. When Venktesh asked him the reason why these structures arise ,the scientist answered  They minimize free energy”  

 It might have been presented in the book as anecdote here, but let me confess it is one of those statements that stuck in my memory and as time goes on still grows in meaning and significance explaining nature to me that i am glad to share it. Minimizing free energy is  possible under limited circumstances in nonliving processes and phenomenons generated due to mostly landscape ,temperature and magnetic and electro magnetic variances to name a few; But for life it is one of its fundamentals in all situations, all circumstances at all times, because if it takes in, it always produced surplus and in minimizing the surplus it does work, move, think and create. etc.  And without this surplus there would have been non of the great human and life’s achievements that exists to date and ever. it is for the revelation of this foundational knowledge and many more I remain always grateful to professor Peter H. Hofmann for writing the book and making it available for the likes of me to have access to. 

 As it often happens a need arises an opportunity strikes and need gets fulfilled and happy times roll. Bacteria bound to the deep vents of the ocean floor faced with challenges of getting some extra energy to get out of the deep vents stumbled upon a means to split water and got some extra electron charge beyond their need to consume for survival and started on building extra energy bank to propel them up to the surface of the ocean and using the same mechanism start splitting water by using sun light and start building the Global green revolution and evolution. life perhaps is the one and only efficient enough to produce more energy out than it takes in, and thanks to the pioneer of it all Cyanobacteria. Life owes bacteria a lot more but that stand as the Grandest of it all and perhaps responsible for our very existence. This ritual set forth by Cyanobacteria eons ago is still continuing without a hitch, while life is very much dependent on it or simply hadn’t come up with an alternative despite all the bravado of our genius, until such time yet again bacteria could possibly came up with an ingenious ways and disentangle us. There are signs on the horizon that it might as well do that. Perhaps one may ask why bacteria of all the intelligence out here in life? it is a numbers game. In it totality the number and mass of bacteria on our earth out paces all living mass and number by many folds and every bacteria has the freedom of choice and action to effect action and affect every other bacteria’s action which results in a mother of complexity of complexities that gives birth to novelties unimaginable and possibilities of the impossible.

 Such systems that are beyond the reach of modern day and even future computational methods are often termed as complex. While the Universe is humongusly complex in its vastness in numbers and size, living things are equally complex microscopically du to the infinite population sizes with infinite choices and opportunities in its actions it comes up with and will come up with for the infinite ways it had been challenged and will get challenged. As the great scientist and mathematician Feynman stated in one of his lectures “there is ample at the bottom” as bacteria stands at bottom of cellular life there is indeed ample in mass, numbers and in deeds at this bottom though i dare say that this bottom is only a relative bottom as the ultimate bottom may be bottomless.

 Complex systems are defined by a set of rules as and I shall illustrate how living things from the single celled to the most complex multi cellular human being, from the single living animate to the colony and single human being to the global community of humanity is bound by the rules of complexity  as defined and formally entered in to agreement.

   As some one  might have read my blog it shall be remembered that I have tried to entertain the issue of complexity though be it in a limited and different scope. perhaps it is important that I had deviated in some forms and from what I had said then and that too should be taken in the same context of complexity as I to had the challenges of life and the infinite opportunity to choose from the infinite possible choices as resilience of life dictates or else. That said and leaving that to those who are interested to find out I will turn your attention and mine to the issue here and now .

 complex systems as stated by professor  Scott E, Page on his book “understanding Complexity “ at the great courses series  have four  defining attributes

1)The system comprises interconnected members.

2) The memberships of the system are diverse,

3) The relations ships are dynamic adaptive and robust 

4) They exhibit an emergent property or a total collapse of the system as has been understood and known. 

 It is perhaps an unprecedented opportunity to examine and understand complexity in real time as it emerge overwhelm and cause a total collapse of the multifaceted global order in ways and manners no one yet can tell how  it will proceed and end. For any keen observer there can be no better opportune real time scenario than to observe and see how every point reiterated in the afore mentioned book fall to draw the full picture of complexity. 

 Emergent properties arise once as a mere accidents without a never for told and never foreseen causes and perhaps not even repeated in a lab setting after the fact for the conditions and variables either couldn’t be known or arrived at by any known computational methods. When the genie is out of the box as they say can’t be put back in the bottle as time travel in to the past isn’t, it is worth it a while to note  that emergent phenomena are simply non reversible likewise. COVID 19 had emerged without a known and unknowable cause and is written in history permanently and can’t be erased perhaps like many and all life forms. Every happenstance in history is a time etched immutable record despite its current or past reality of existence or erasure.

  A stage is set and  the game is being played, a game between COVID 19, and humans, between humans and other humans, between COVID 19 and COVID 19, between human immune cells and COVID19 etc. All in all like all games and like non it is a game of wits, numbers, agility, speed and resilience some wins some of the times and others win some other times; like all games all players pay even spectators and bystanders are not spared yet the champion gets all the prize of winning at the end.We had paid our dues and outwitted all players along our way here despite some formidable challenges by many and all species who equally paid dearly. perhaps It is a given that we will come out as champions of this game like always, but the only unknown is how much are we going to pay and how long will this game last. Like all complex interacting systems the exponential degree of freedom of action for every acting part or node makes prediction and prophesy a mere outcome of stochastic mathematical calculations with considerable margin of error to be called prediction, forecasting or prophesy than a simple educated guess.

 The diversity and ever growing rate of motility of the entities and lives affected yet again beyond  any computational genius human or machine can definitely and authoritatively say and compute leave alone tell how and when each of these interacting diverse entities act and interact and at times counteract to protect its individual, group and the whole’s interests and survival. As challenging entities and scenarios emerge so does solutions, and life itself is a living testimony to that as it had lived through thousands of such emergent challenges in its eons long survival and resilience. This is not to say that humanity shouldn’t act or simply let nature take care of it itself, but rather to play our part as we too are part of life and perhaps not as unchallenged masters of it all. It is perhaps important to acknowledge that we have partners in the fight in our cells and others at the bottom of life’s ladder of beings and somehow somewhere someone will by mere accident or ingenuity will stumble upon a solution  like all times past. That is the beauty and opportunity in  infinite diversity where the impossible could only be possible. Such has been the evolution of life where the possibility of the impossible had always been ample and emergence of realities of form and contents mind bogglingly  common place.

Ayele Teklemariam

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የታላቁ ሌኒን የልሂቅ በራስ ምርጫና በጎ ፍቃድ የጭቁን ሕዝቦች ወኪልነትና ዛሬም ልሂቁን ያልተላቀቀው ልክፍት፡

    የኢትዮጲያ ተማሪዎች ንቅናቄ ብሎም ልሂቁ በግራክንፍ ረዕዮት ዓለም ከጅምሩ መጠመዱ ወይንም መለከፉ የጭፍን ስሜታዊነት ወይንም አላዋቂነት ብሎም በደመነፍስ የጊዜውን አሁነኛነት(fad) መከተል ያስከተለው ጊዜ ተሻጋሪ መዘዝ ሳይሆን አማራጭ የለሽና ጊዜ ወለድ የታክቲክና የስትራቴጂ አቋም ነበር።

    ከታላቁ የዓልም 2ኛው ጦርነት ማግስት ዓለም በሁለት ካምፕ ተከፍላ በብዙ ያካባቢና ዓልማቀፍ ክሰተቶች ላይ በግልጽና በተዘዋዋሪ ጥቁርና ነጭ የሆኑና ፍጹም የማይመሳሰሉና የማይገናኙ አቋሞች የተያዘበት፤የዓልም ሕዝብም በሰሜነኛ ቅኝ ገዢዎችና በደቡበኞች ቅኝ ገዢዎች የተከፋፈሉበት ዘመን ከመሆኑም ባሻገር በሁለቱ ሕዝቦች መካከል የከረረ የነጻ መውጣትና ያለማስወጣት ትግል የተጧጧፈበትም ወቅት ነበር።

    ዛሬ የዲሞክራሲና የነጻነት ነጸብራቆችና የዲሞክራሲ የዓለም ተምሳሌቶች የሆኑቱ የሰሜን ሀገራት አብዛኞቹ ቅኝ ገዢዎች ነበሩ ፤ ያልሆኑትም በግልጽና በተዘዋዋሪ አጋርነታቸውና ውግንናቸው ከቅኝ ገዢዎቹ ጋር እንደነበር የትላንት ትውስታችን ነውና ብዙ ማለት ጉንጫልፋ ነው።ደቡባውያኑ በወቅቱ በነበበሩበት የነጻነት ወይም ሞት ትግላቸው ከጎናቸው ቆሞ አለኝታነቱን ያለቅድመ ሁኔታና ያለሥሥት የለገሳቸው ኋላ ላይ የዲክታተርሺፕና የመደብ ጭቆናው አጸያፊ መገለጫ የሆነው የጊዜው የግራው ርዕዮት አቀንቃኝ የነበረው ሌላኛው ካምፕ ነበር።

    በግዜውም የግራውን ርዕዮትና የረጅም ጌዜ እንድምታውን የተጸየፉትና የምዕራቡንም የቅኝ ገዢዎች ውግንና የጠሉት የኢትዮጵያ መሪዎች የጠላቴ ወዳጅ ጠላቴ ነው፤የኔም ወዳጅ ያልሆነ የጠላቴ ወዳጅ ነው የሚለውን ብሂልና የሚኖረውንም ሀገራዊና ዓለም አቀፋዊ እንደምታ በመገንዘባቸው ከሌሎች እንደነርሱ ግራ ከተጋቡና ርዕዮተ ዓለማዊና ስትራቴጂካዊ ውግንናቸው ወደሰሜኑ፤ ታክቲካዊና ጊዜያዊ የተግባር ውግንናቸው ከደቡብ የነጻነት ታጋዮች ጋር ከሆኑ ሌሎች የዓለም ሀገራት ጋር በትብብር (ያልተቧደኑ)የነጻሀገራት ንቅናቄን(nonaligned movement) መመሰረትን የመረጡት። 

    መላው የአፍሪካ ፤የላቲን አሜርካና የደቡ ኤስያ ሀገራት ካውሮፓ ሀገራት ቅኝ ግዛት ነጻ ለመውጣት በሚያደርጉት የነጻነት ትግል የኢትዮጵያ ተማሪዎችና ልሂቃን ዳር ቆመው ተመልካችነት ወይንም የሰሜነኛውው አጋርነትን በፍጹም እንደአማራጭ ሊያስተናግዱት አይቻላቸውም ነበርና ከግራው ጎን ቆመው መቆጠር የጊዜው ግዴታቸው ነበር።

    ቅኝ ግዛት ያውሮፓ ሰፊ ሕዝብ ውክልና ያልሰጣቸው የፖለቲካ፤ የኢኮኖሚና የወታደራዊ ልሂቃን ኅልም፤ቅዠትና ተግባሮት እንደመሆኑ የጸረ ቅኝግዛት ትግሉም ባንጻሩ ቅኝ ተገዢው ሕብረተሰብ ሕጋዊ ውክልና ያልሰጣቸው የተግዢው ሕብረተሰብ ልሂቃን በዋናነት ቅኝ ገዢዎችን የመተካት ትግል እንጂ ሕብረተሰቡን ነጻ የማውጣት ትግል እንዳልነበረ ድህረ ነጻነት የተከሰቱት አጠቃላይና(without exception) ተግባሮቶች ምስክሮች ይሆናሉ ብል ከዕውነቱ በጅጉ የራቅሁ ሆኖ አይሰማኝም።

    ያልተወከሉ ወኪሎችን ያወረሰን አንዱ ቅኝ ገዢነትና ቅኝ ተገዢነት ሲሆን ሁነተኛው ሌኒንና የካርል ማርክስን የላብ አደር / ወዝ አደር መኖር ለሶሺያሊስት ሕብረትሰብ ግንባታ ቅድመሁኔታን (ለመዝለል) ለመራመድ(bipass) እንዲያስችል ያራመደው የነቃ የልሂቅ ንኡስ ከበርቴ በምትክነት (ውክና) የመምራት የመርህ ህጋዊነትን ያላበሰው ማእቀፍ እነሆ እስከዛሬ ያለምርጫ የእንወክለዋለንና የእንወክልሀለንን ባህልና ልምድ ዛሬም ያልተወንን ምናልባትም እስከወዲያኛው የማይፋታንን የኢፒጄኔቲክ ቅንብራችንን የቀየረ ክሰተት ሆኖ የሚመዘገቡ ተጽእኖዎች ለመሆናቸው እስከዛሬም የድኅረ ነጻነትና ድኅረ ቀዝቃዛው ጦርነት በዘወትርና በየታሪኮቻችን ምዕራፎች በሰፊው የሚተርኳቸው ገድሎቻችን ናቸው። 

     በማንኛውም መለኪያ ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ ያሉ ማህበረሰቦች ቡድኖችም ሆኑ ሌላ የሰዎች ስብስቦች በማንኛውም መልኩ እከሌ ወይንም እነከሌ ይወክሉን ወይንም ይወክሉናል ብሎ በማንኝውም ህጋዊም ሆነ ባህላዊ አግባብ ፎርማሊቲውን ባማከለ ድባብና መድረክ ይሁንታውን ያልሰጣቸውና ያላገኙ የንኡስ ከበርቴ ምሁራን ስብስብ የዚህና የዚያ ስብስብ ወኪሎች እኛ ነን ወከባ እነሆ ዛሬም ከዛው የተጋቦት በሽታ ላለመፈወሳችን አይነተኛው አመላካች ምስክር ይመስለኛል።ምናልባትም ከዚህ አዙሪት ለመፈወስ የውክልናን ምንነትና እንዴት በጠንከረ መሰረት ላይ ማኖር አማራጭ የሌለው ተግባሮት ነው።ውክልና የህግ ማእቀፍ አለው የህግ ማእቀፍም ሟሟላት ያለበት ሥነ ስርአቶች ወይም ፎርማሊቲዎችና ቅደም ተከትሎች አሉትና ለወካይም ሆነ ለተወካይ ባንድም ይሁን ከዛበለይ ጉድለቶችና ግድፈቶች ያሉበትን የወካይ ተወካይ ጫጫታዎች ከጫጫታ የከበደ ቦታ ላለመሰጠት ዜጎች በተጻፈም ሆነ ባልተጻፈ የመናበብ የማይጣስ ስምምነት መግባባት ላይ ሊደረሱ ይገባል።

አየለ ተ/ማሪያም

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                           “ BLUE PEACE”

                      By Ayele Teklemariam

             Ever since iI read the article I have been aching to do some study and an expose if i could because the issue runs down every Ethiopian Sudanese and Egyptian blood like the river niles water that runs in every citizen of those three countries and those concerned friends of the people mentioned. Normalcy in all parts of those countries peace and prosperity in those countries is a precondition for  the normal flow of the niles waters as is the blood flows in the veins of the citizens of those countries. Like all revers of the world simple natural processes and human factors are negatively affected and arenas will continuously affect the health of the Nile bar any one parties or all parties intentional or inadvertent creation of instability in any parts of the natural social and environmental ecosystem of the river. 

         As have been proven time and again in almost all places where such river basins are shared and transitional river flows are prevalent ,a social, political or other disturbances to the upper river basins are often carriers of malaise of shortage disease and curse to  the nations in the lower river lands. It is perhaps thermodynamic reality that every thing that flows flows from a higher to a lower elevation,  can do work and that could often be good work or bad and whatever happens up the river basine some how gets carried down the line and in a more roles cumulative ways that whatever happens up the line as well could often have a tendency of being magnified just like the size of the water flow. 

        Considering the afore mentioned logic it is rather those living in the lower regions of the river’s flow who ought be concerned more about the health and well being of the upper basins  than those in the upper river basins for the effects of any severe or light happenstance is rather minimal compared to what could happen  down stream where by the tendency is that every minor adversity upstream is magnified by scales down stream.

        The concerns of the water level’s decrease in the lower lands is as equally concerning t to the people in the upstream  as there are natural and human factors both with in their powers and without, global warming and Eastward south East  push of the Sahara , The northward and westward push of the Danakil deserts are phenomena’s that may not be fully controlled yet could be retarded by phenomenal human united efforts that could lead to the alleviation of the scare of reduced water levels both in the upper regions and lower regions. 

         A stable prosperous upper region community and lower region communities that will work in he preservation and protection of the river basins eco system instead of infighting intra-fighting is a better a cheeper and civilized guarantee to the ever flow of the water down the banks,  it  is perhaps a crystal ball hidden behind curtain that ought be unveiled. the destabilized ,impoverished war torn upper basin is a sure way to get less and much less water downstream that it is rather to a grater advantage of the lower basin that the upper basins is well off  to protects and fight against the watershed destruction than against itself or others that could guarantee the fair and equitable water flow to its lower basin neighbors yet the better the cooperative lower basin neighbors.

        Yes for the naive observer to see a body of water barricaded behind a dam is intimidating and perhaps scary, but what should be scary is the deforested barren mountains of the highland that could not provide the small streams that fead to the river’s flow unless reforested where tripped of their threes and protected where they still stand. Yes the dam barrier could be filled by a single or a few torrent in a season or two or even few more that could have run down the valley and ended up at the Mediterranean, but could hardly guarantee the normal steady flow that humanity of the basin could maximize its utility, The science seems uncompromisingly clear as to the correlation between deforestation drought and socio political and economic stability that i need say much but remind the lower basin people to focus their worries where their mouth is and turn their focus where the real enemy is and the real prospects are. 

        Their focus ought not be the building of a dam or a thousands dams up the river that could be filled by torrents of rain that course wistful and even dangerous floods but the overall health of the river basin, that correlates with the health stability their upper level basin friends and brothers. Be mindful that it is the plague that strike the upper river basins that could get carried down the river and you can not secure your water interests by spreading plague up the river but by fighting it out with them.     


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          በአዎንታ ፣በአሉታም ሆነ በተአቅቦ ተቆጠር ሲባል የሚቆጠረው እጅ ያነሳውና አቤት ያለው እንጂ ዝም ያለውና ኖሮ እንዳልኖረ በምልክትም ሆነ በድምጽ መኖሩን ያላስመዘገእበው ብዙም ሆነ አናሳ ሳይሆን እየቀረ እንሆ ባለም ዙሪያ አናሳ ከጣሪያ በላይ የሚጮሁና እራሳቸውን እጅጉን ያሳበጡ ግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች ያላምን እይታና የመስሚያ ባንድዊዝ ጠቅልለው  በመያዛቸው ፣ እነሆ ዓለም  በዲሞክራሲ ስም ያናሳዎች ዲክቴተርሺፕ መፈንጪያ ሆናለች።

                  ጊዜና ሁኔታዎችና ዕድል ገጥሞአቸው ወይንም በልዩ ችሎታቸውና ጥረታቸው ገንዘብ ማካበት ይቻሉ ጥቂት ግለስቦች  ገደብና እቀባ  ከሌለብት ከአመክንዮ የወጣ ገንዘብ ገንዘብን የመውለድ ችሎታው አብዛኛውን የህብረተሰብ ክፍክ ከግንዛቤው ያላስገባ እጅግ የላቅ ሀብትና ንብረት ቁጥራቸው በጅጉ ያነሱና በየቀኑም ቁጥራቸው እያነስ የሚሄድ ግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች እጅ እየወደቅ መምጣት፣ የዓለምን የማያና የመስሚያ ባንድዊዝ የመቆጣጠር ክህሎት ብዙሀኑን ጸጥ እረጭ በሚያሰኝ ደረጃ እያዳፈነው አብዛኛው ሳይወድ በግዱ የነሱን የችሮታ እውቀት፣ ዜና፣ግንዛቤ፣ ሀቅና ዕውነት መጋት ጭምር የተገደደበት ዘመን ላይ ነን።

         ባንጻሩም የዓለምን ረቂቅና ጥልቅ፣ ቀላልና ግልጽ የዕውቀት፣ የተከማቸ ክህሎትና የተግባር ስንክሳር ለመረዳትና ማገናዘብ ብሎም ገለባና ምርቱን በቅጡ ለይቶና መዝኖ ለመልካም መስተጋብር ለመጠቀምና ማዋል በሚያስችል የስልጠናና የዝግጅት ብቃት ላለውም ለሌለውም የሚዳረስበት አውድ ሰፋ ብሎ መዘርጋቱ ባብዛኛው ለሁሉም ቢያንስ የዕውቀትን በር ከፋችነቱ አሌ ባያስብልም በዚያው መጠን እንደ አወዳይ ጫት የእውቀት ጫፍ ቅንጥብጣቢ እየለቃቀሙ ለሚሮጡ ገለብላባ ጥራዝነጠቆችም መፈልፈል ምክንያት መሆኑን መታዘብ አስችጋሪ አይመስልም። 

        የዛሬ ሞያዎች(specialities) እየበዙ እንደመምጣታቸው በዛው መጠንም እየረቀቁ ግንዛቤይቸውም እጅግ እየሰፋ ምጥቷል ፣በመሆኑም ለትክክለኛነት ሞያተኞች ያላቸው አስተዋጾ እየጨመረ እንጂ እየቅነሰ ያለበትም የሚኖርበትም አመክንዮ ባይኖርርም በየመስኮቱ በሚወረወሩልን ቅንጭብጫቢ ያልተሟሉ ግንዛቤዎች ፣ሙሉ ግንዛቤም ለመጨበጥ ፈጽሞ በቂ ግዜ በማይኖረን ጥድፊያ ለሞያተኞች መሰጠትና መተው ያለባቸውን ረቂቅና ደቂቅ የህብርተስብና ማህበረሰብን የመኖርና አለመኖር በሚወስኑ ጉዳዮች ላይ ሳይቀር ልባችንን ሞልተን የምንወስንና የምናስወስን ጥራዝ ነጠቆች በጅጉ ተበራክትናል ፣ ምናልባትም ላዓለም መጥፋት ምክንታት የጥራዝ ነጠቅነት አምክንዮና ተግባር ቢሆን አይድነቀን።

       ጥራዝነጠቅነት ጊዜ ሞልቶታል ከዚም ከዚያም ለቃቅሞ ድምጹን ከፍ አርጎ ይጮሀል፤ ይደመጣል ይቆጠራልም፤ መልሶም ይለቅማል ይጮሀል አዙሪቱን ይቀጥላል። ባለሞያ ጊዜ የለውም ፣ሞያም ጊዜ ፈጅ ነው፡ ስህተትን አያስተናግድም ወይም ለስህተት የሚሰጠው ክፍተት አናሳ በመሆኑ ለሚወስደው ትግበራና ለሚሰጠው አስተያየት ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄና ጥናት ያደርጋል ፣ከስሜታዊነትም ነቅቶ እራሱንና ሌሎችን አጥብቆ ይከላከላል።

     በዘመኑ የቴክኖሎጂና የሳይንስ እድገት ላይ ተመስርቶ የዓለም ህዝብ ከድንቁርና አንድ እርምጃ በጥቅሉ ተራምዷል ብንል ምናልባት የተሳሳተ ግምትና አስተሳሰብ ላይሆን ይችል ይሆናል ፣በዚያው መጠን ግን በሁለንተና ውስጥ ስላሉት መሆኖች፣ እድገትና ቅጨት፣ግንኙነትና መስተጋብር ያለንም ዕውቀትና ግንዛቤ ቢያንስ በዚያው መጠን አሊያም በላይ ማደጉንና መርቀቁን ከተገነዘብን በሞያና በአልሞያ መካከል ያለው ርቀት ቋሚ መሆኑን ተገንዝበን ለባለሞያ መተው ያለበትን ለባለሞያ መተው አስከባሪ እንጂ አሳፋሪ አለመሆኑን አውቀን በየሞያችን ብንሰለፍና የየሞያችንን ብናዋጣ ዓለምን ከጥፋት እራሳችንንም ከጉዳት እንታደጋለን።ምናልባትም በየሞያችን መሰለፍና ባለሞያዎችንም ስናከብርና እውቅና ስንሰጥ ለራሳችንም እውቅና አግኝተን ካለመቆጠር ወደመቆጠር፣ካለመኖር ወደ መኖር፣ ከዝምታ ወደመናግር ፣ከእሺ ባይነት ወደ ጠያቂነትና ከስሜታውነት ወደ አመክንዮአዊነት እንሸጋገር ይሆናል።

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 Unevenness is even in the fabric of the universe.

                     If the universe was spread uniformly evenly with whatever it is made of and makes it, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine where we all would be if we would be at all. In other words everything and any thing at all had what we call a material and objective reality it owes its existence and continuance to the mere fact of uneven distribution of the stuff of the universe all across the board.
                    As the unevenness in the universe is characterized by uneven distribution of the stuff of the universe, the universe itself is in turn an entity that may be a product and continuum of an unevenness. The unevenness that gave us the galaxies, planets, stars and planets is that gave us the continents countries and regions uneven unique and different. Uneven distribution did not only spread the stuff that made anything and everything but made them as well unique and different; the same uniqueness and difference that transcends all existence of material reality bar none. That is so as suggested by quantum mechanics that the existence of two or more similar quantum states are not allowed by any material realty at the same time though there seems an exception to quantum entangled entities which even then are separated by space which renders the exception as none exception. As that is a subject of more and intense study and not the object of this writing suffice it to say that much and pass on to the objective I am about to try a handle on.

                     The subject of uneven distribution and what it means to our daily lives and how it had effected us and how it will continue to shape and mold us to be better and fit for the lives and life forms to follow. We are as all life is a product sculpted, forged and formed, shaped, re shaped, ground and refined ,tuned and returned in response and by the force of uneven distribution of the stuff of the universe that is instrumental to the reality of diverse environment. In life more so than any reality in the universe is these diversity more pronounced both for a reason and a vital one too.

                   Diverse life which came about as direct result of the unevenness that defines the known universe more than any of the other attributes exhibits a unique reverse cycle that seems and perhaps truthfully accentuate and necessitate more of diversity and unevenness. Diversity is the progenitor of specialization in its crude form and more refined and complex forms that necessitates and perpetrates coöperation and interdependence to hold the system standing in place and continue. Pulling out of the specialized member entities is like pulling out one of the pillars of the system or structure that renders the stability of the system suspect. When we get to the race of humanity, nation and tribe if nothing else the diversity in speciality gets even more pronounced than anytime and anywhere else.

                      We differ matters of importance and special privileges to specialists and to authorities on particulars and not succumb to amateurism more so now than anytime in our past known history. The depth and width of knowledge and the means of knowing are such that things considered trivia in the past are matters that could take one a life time to specialize. As specialties widen and specialists multiply, for quality and refinement we differ to specialists and interdependence is acknowledged and celebrated. Differing to specialists as some control fricks might have it does not take the power of decision from any principal, but enables make one on the best information, know how and knowledge there is.
When cancer strikes, we defer to the oncologist not even the doctor, when we need to build a highway we differ to that civil engineer, on matters of the economy we differ to the economist and on matters of space flight we obviously differ it to the astronauts and etc. These have by in large been how our predecessors and contemporaries made most of the significant and not so significant decisions they did until modern means of knowledge proliferation made some of us as half-baked specialists of all and masters of none not afraid and ashamed to exhibit our raw edge even in matters that are detrimental to our own status and wellbeing that ought be differed to specialists who made it their business to specialize in.

                       What specialists have is often a hard irrefutable fact established through search, research, experiments and statistical data that best approximate the scenario for whom the advice and opinion of the specialist is sought. In nature and particularly in life when specialized entities disappear or are some how rendered in effective by acts of life itself or nature ,often mistakes that are expensive ,detrimental and not so expensive happen. Specialized entities work in consort to assure mistakes from happening and if they happen they have built-in mechanisms by which they are filtered and discarded to protect the wellbeing of the system as a whole .

                If at other times better specialities arise suited to advance the well-being of the community they are differed to for their specialized contribution as needed. In the same tradition of life our own human subspecies had adopted these tradition more than any other had been well served by it. Perhaps Among one of the greatest attributes of these deferment to specialists is one that had helped human socio-economic development from rudimentary forms to its most complex and modern forms.

                    It is not without failures in experimentations ,mistakes in implementations and practices less than perfect that it reached its modern and contemporary state. Failures to differ to specialist had in human history been instrumental in the emergence of fascism, communism, despotism, dictatorships and many other Socio-economic formations that had by in large setback the forward trajectory of human development and perhaps it is still one of the greatest drags on human developmental path in parts of the world . Ironically this indifference to professionals and specialists is on the rise even in those countries most celebrated and cited for their exemplary democratic practices and successes .
We have reached a stage in the practice of democracy it seems where the role of professionals has to be redefined as there seems a colossal clash of opinions between the citizen ,the politician, the careerist ,the professional and the academic. As every group is vital and indispensable to the well-functioning of the society the relative weight of each groups opinion cries for some sort of balance to smoothen the rough edges of contention.

                    As opinion of every citizen is important and crucial ,every citizen is neither a doctor ,political scientist, economist or carrier civil-service person not to differ to the specialists in the field and put the opinions on the balance accordingly. These might seem like Pluto’s discrediting the peasant vote for the peasants knowledge of government to be minimal or none existent for him to make a rational judgement in his voting on matters of government, that as it is the truth is that if nothing else even the most backward peasant knows at least what is working for him and not working for him if nothing else and over all that he pays tax for his vote to be null and void per Pluto”s claim. In short he knows some and he is the boss too by as much as his tax contribution , but should he differ to specialist to issues of speciality is the issue .

                       Though the peasant is referred to here because Pluto made the argument centuries ago, it does not prevent any of the other social groups from differing to specialists even specialists in specialities different from that of their own.that is what kept the house in order and that will keep the human house in order as we look forward to the coming challenging beautiful years. Challenging because challenges are the precursors of opportunity and beautiful because we can certainly be optimists that all challenges as in the past will for sure will be met in the future producing ample opportunities and rewards of being met.                       

                       The idea of democracy or for that matter, quantum physics or Kantian economics never started a revelation to the masses as a mass awareness all at time, they just explode in the world and national stage form a single person’s awareness and  discovery by serendipity or hard laborious work and keen observation exactly as in the Big Bang origin of the Universe. A Big Bang in the mind of some one, destined to be great by the spread and acceptance of his ideas as a widely held belief or thought trend as it becomes an irrefutable fact proven by rigorous experiments, examinations and applications.

                     As in all things that through time ,democracy too had bread and grown tentacles organs and appendages to support its healthy and desirable continuance in time to the near future and posterity. In its tenure to date it had not only developed organs and appendages it had as well mutated in to detrimental mutants that were corrected and discarded and advantages mutants that survived and thrived to the forms that are considered today most virulent. As it is known that mutations happen because of environmental stresses among many reasons , the stress the best of democracies known to date are being stressed and the stress is out in the open to show that both detrimental and helpful mutations are inevitable and are visible in the most unlikely places.
When the system of slavery  got stressed, slave ownership was in the way of the progress of the most that the stress had to be eased by an act of emancipation, when feudalism was stressed like wise it was eased  by revolutions of the kinds of the Paris commune and the peasant revolutions of china and Russia and by the adoption of the parliamentary system of the UK and others who followed suite . Stress can often be measured by disparities of the two poles of the socioeconomic spread, and the further apart they go the greater the stress level and the stark and distinct the future visions becomes and the vantage points they view them.

                   When 8 individuals own as much as the lower one half of the world’s population it wont be hard to imagine the vantage points the two worlds  are looking at the future. It seems and it is that these 8 are like sky bound skyscrapers spread all over the world among shanty towns that the owner residents of the skyscrapers can look at the world from their heights and the shanty towner could lookup and see so much of the towering structure and cast its shadow over them and not much else of a view thanks to the merits of globalization, No wonder one of the leading tensor is globalization.

                       While the leading edge of the global population fully embraced it, the lagging edge of the world population distaste it and rejects it ; there is a global distaste for globalization as there is great embrace and love. These are two titanic forces on a collusion course that policy makers can not afford to overlook and simply dismiss. If the tension is to be eased it seems that those skyscrapers should somehow get some base and look like pyramids than spikes and be stable and let at least some of the shanty toners scale some extents of their heights and see the world at large that the skyscrapers skewed view of the world beyond their nose.
Career, profession, speciality, public service and pure knowledge. It is often easy to get carried in one in to the other in any discussion relating one or the other that discreet clarity in definition and Practice could take us some distance in defining and understanding the vital rolls-each play in our daily life’s.

                         When one sets out in a mastery of a subject of special branch of the fields of knowledge one is on the path of specialization and when one is set out to make a speciality one acquired through training and schooling a means of earning a living then one is on a career path. On the contrary when one is inspired by a condition he sees need be changed by a political action and collects petitions and run on issued one deemed important and gains public approval and mandate to make the promised changes he is on a path to a public service. It seems public service is what the name specifies “PUBLIC SERVICE”. And is different from profession, career that there is no pre qualification but an interest and a specific set of issues that are of public interest to resolve and a consensus that those issues raised are indeed matters of public interest and priority that needed to be resolved in a given time frame.

                         Mandates for accomplishment of a task fail or succeed are often limited by time and as such public service mandates are time limited and time sensitive by nature. When mandates are extended and over extended and public servants are stuck in a place for all times the task changes its character and becomes a career with out the pre qualifying specialization. Political science is supposedly the specialization in the field of politics, but democracy as described doesn’t need of politicians the specialization in the science because it assumes or takes in to consideration the temporal nature of political representation “A PUBLIC SERVICE” as it was initially intended . For life political or public assignments are problematic and perhaps one of the ills that tense the contemporary democratic systems.

Ayele Teklemariam

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                             “Life’s Ratchet:”        “How Molecular Machines Extract Order from Chaos by Peter M. Hoffmann”. 

 My take and learning from it and some of the profound answers to some of the perplexing life long questions I had long been puzzled by that I would like to share with My readers. 

      Life is a complex and ordered system, but it exists in a universe that is governed by the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy, or disorder, always increases over time. So how does life manage to maintain its order, chaos and complexity?

     The answer, according to Peter Hoffmann, lies in molecular machines. Molecular machines are tiny machines that are made up of molecules and that perform essential life functions, such as replicating DNA, transcribing genes, and translating proteins. Hoffmann explains how molecular machines are able to use energy to create order out of chaos, even in the face of the second law of thermodynamics.

      One of the key features of molecular machines is that they operate in a non- equilibrium state. This means that they are constantly consuming energy in order to maintain their order. In contrast, equilibrium systems are those that have reached a state of maximum entropy and no longer consume any energy.

    Hoffmann discusses a variety of different types of molecular machines in his book, including:

    Enzymes: Enzymes are catalysts that speed up chemical reactions.
    Motor proteins: Motor proteins move molecules and organelles around the cell.

   ATP synthase: ATP synthase produces ATP, the energy currency of the cell.

   DNA polymerase: DNA polymerase replicates DNA.
    RNA polymerase: RNA polymerase transcribes genes into RNA.
   Ribosome: The ribosome translates RNA into proteins.

      Hoffmann argues that molecular machines are the essential building blocks of life. He also discusses the implications of this research for our understanding of the origins of life and the possibility of synthetic life.

      Life’s Ratchet is a well-written and informative book that provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of molecular machines. It is essential reading for anyone who is interested in the science of life and the possible hows of its beginning.
A molecular storm is a term used to describe the constant and random motion of molecules and atoms at the nanoscale. This motion is caused by the thermal energy of the system, and it is responsible for many of the fundamental processes of life, and nature such as diffusion, chemical reactions, and protein folding.

          Molecular storms are also thought to play a role in the formation of complex structures, such as crystals and living cells. For example, when molecules collide with each other in a random fashion, they can sometimes form ordered structures by chance. This process is known as self-assembly, and it is thought to be responsible for the formation of many of the complex structures that we see in the natural world.

       Self-assembly in nature and life is a process by which individual components spontaneously organize into larger, more complex structures without the need for external guidance. This process is driven by a variety of interactions between the components, including chemical bonds, electrostatic forces, and van der Waals forces.

       Self-assembly is essential for the formation and function of all living organisms. For example, proteins and nucleic acids self-assemble into complex structures such as ribosomes and enzymes, which are essential for cell metabolism and replication. Self-assembly also plays a role in the development of tissues and organs, as well as in the formation of complex structures such as the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix.

                 Here are some specific examples of self-assembly in nature and life:

       Virus assembly: Viruses are self-assembling nanoparticles that consist of a protein coat and a nucleic acid genome. The protein coat subunits self-assemble around the genome to form the complete virus particle.

      Cellular membranes: Cellular membranes are self-assembling structures composed of phospholipids. Phospholipids are amphipathic molecules, meaning that they have both hydrophilic (water-loving) and hydrophobic (water-fearing) regions. When phospholipids are mixed in water, they spontaneously self-assemble into a double-layer membrane, with the hydrophobic regions facing each other and the hydrophilic regions facing the water.

      Microtubule assembly: Microtubules are hollow, cylindrical structures that are essential for cell structure and movement. Microtubules are made up of tubulin proteins, which self-assemble into microtubules in the presence of guanosine triphosphate (GTP).

      DNA replication: DNA replication is the process by which DNA copies itself. DNA replication is a self-assembly process that is driven by the base pairing interactions between the two strands of DNA.

      Self-assembly is a powerful process that can be used to create a wide variety of complex structures, from viruses and cells to tissues and organs. Scientists are also exploring ways to mimic self-assembly in nature to develop new materials and technologies.

                         Some of the benefits of self-assembly are:
     Efficiency: Self-assembly is a very efficient process, as it does not require any external guidance.
    Scalability: Self-assembly can be used to create structures of all sizes, from the nanometer scale to the macroscopic scale.
       Robustness: Self-assembled structures are often very robust and can withstand damage.

      Adaptability: Self-assembled structures can be designed to be responsive to environmental changes.

       Self-assembly is a fascinating and important process that plays a vital role in nature and life. Scientists are still learning about the fundamental principles of self- assembly, and this knowledge has the potential to revolutionize many fields, including materials science, medicine, and robotics. Due in fact to self assemly while scientists tend to rule out the need for a prime initiator creationists on the contrary question the very factors and characterstics that enable and guide the very entities to self-assemble are endowed and continue to argue the neverending arms racing between the camps.

       In addition to their role in the formation of complex structures, molecular storms also play a role in the destruction of existing structures. For example, molecular storms can cause proteins to unfold and DNA to break apart. This can lead to cell death and other problems.

     Overall, molecular storms are a fundamental part of the nanoscale world. They are responsible for many of the processes that are essential for life, but they can also be destructive.

    Some examples of molecular storms in the real world: The diffusion of 1)oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs
2)The chemical reactions that take place in cells
3)The folding of proteins into their three-dimensional shapes The self-assembly of viruses and other biological structures.

4)The destruction of cells by cancer and other diseases.

         Molecular storms are also being studied by scientists and engineers to develop new technologies, such as nanobots and self-assembling materials. Thermodynamic equilibrium is a state of a system in which all macroscopic properties are unchanging in time. This means that there are no net macroscopic flows of matter or energy within the system or between the system and its surroundings.

      Thermodynamic equilibrium is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics, and it is used to describe a wide range of systems, from simple gases to complex living organisms.

       One of the key features of thermodynamic equilibrium is that it is a state of maximum entropy. Entropy is a measure of disorder, and it always increases over time in isolated systems. This means that a system in thermodynamic equilibrium is as disordered as it can be, given its constraints.

      Another key feature of thermodynamic equilibrium is that it is a state of minimum free energy. Free energy is a measure of the amount of energy that is available to do work. A system in thermodynamic equilibrium has the minimum amount of free energy that it can have, given its constraints.

          Thermodynamic equilibrium is an important concept in many different areas of science and engineering. For example, it is used to design heat engines, refrigerators, and other thermodynamic systems. It is also used to study the behavior of living organisms, as they are constantly trying to maintain a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.

                         Some examples of thermodynamic equilibrium:
       A gas in a sealed container at a constant temperature and pressure is in thermodynamic equilibrium.
      A liquid in a beaker at a constant temperature is in thermodynamic equilibrium.

      A living cell is in thermodynamic equilibrium, although it is constantly exchanging matter and energy with its surroundings.

     Thermodynamic equilibrium is a complex topic, but it is an important one to understand for anyone who wants to study thermodynamics or engineering.
            Free energy is a measure of the amount of energy that is available to do work.

      It is calculated by subtracting the enthalpy (heat content) of a system from its Gibbs energy (total energy).

      Free energy can be positive, negative, or zero. A positive free energy means that the system has more energy than it needs to do work. A negative free energy means that the system has less energy than it needs to do work, and it must absorb energy from its surroundings in order to do work. A zero free energy means that the system is at equilibrium and cannot do any work.

        Things move because they have free energy. Free energy is used to drive processes such as diffusion, chemical reactions, and muscle contraction. For example, when a gas diffuses from a high-concentration region to a low- concentration region, it is doing work because it is moving against the concentration gradient. This work is done by the free energy of the gas.

      Chemical reactions also require free energy to occur. For example, when glucose is converted to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of oxygen, the reaction releases free energy. This free energy is used to do work, such as powering muscle contraction or generating ATP.

     Muscle contraction also requires free energy. When a muscle contracts, the actin and myosin filaments slide past each other. This requires the muscle to use free energy to break and reform bonds between the actin and myosin filaments.
 Overall, free energy is essential for things to move. It is the driving force behind many of the processes that occur in the natural world.

     Here are some specific examples of how free energy is used to drive things to move

       Diffusion: Gases and liquids diffuse from high-concentration regions to low- concentration regions. This is driven by the free energy of the system.

      Chemical reactions: Chemical reactions that release free energy, such as combustion, can be used to power machines and other devices.

     Muscle contraction: Muscles contract by using free energy to break and reform bonds between the actin and myosin filaments.

    Plant growth: Plants use free energy from sunlight to drive photosynthesis, which produces the carbohydrates that they need to grow.

     Animal locomotion: Animals use free energy from food to power their muscles and move around.

     Free energy is a fundamental concept in physics and chemistry, and it is essential for understanding how things move in the natural world particularly in the nano and microscales whre the rules of quantum mechanics are in observance.

      Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. The experiment is designed to illustrate the problems with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

      The debate over Schrödinger’s cat and the interpretation of quantum mechanics is ongoing. It is a complex and challenging topic, but it is also one that is essential for understanding the nature of reality.
     Erwin Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment, known as Schrödinger’s cat, is a way of illustrating the strange and paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics. In the experiment, a cat is placed in a box with a radioactive atom. If the atom decays, it will trigger a mechanism that releases a poison gas, killing the cat. However, until the box is opened and the atom is observed, it is in a superposition of both decayed and non-decayed states. This means that the cat is also in a superposition of both alive and dead states.

      Schrödinger’s cat experiment highlights the fact that classical physics, which is based on the idea of objective reality, is not adequate to describe the behavior of matter at the quantum level. In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states at the same time, and the act of observation collapses the superposition and forces the particle to choose a definite state.

     This has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. If reality is superpositional, then it means that there is no such thing as an objective reality. Instead, reality is constantly in flux, and it is only when we observe it that it collapses into a definite state.

     Understanding Schrödinger’s dilemma is essential for understanding the nature of reality because it forces us to confront the limitations of our classical understanding of the world. It also opens up new possibilities for our understanding of consciousness and the role of the observer in shaping reality.

      Here are some specific ways in which understanding Schrödinger’s dilemma can help us to understand the nature of reality:

      It challenges our classical understanding of reality as objective and deterministic. In classical physics, particles have definite positions and momenta, and their behavior is governed by deterministic laws. In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states at the same time, and their behavior is probabilistic and a result of stocastic mathematics. This suggests that reality may not be as objective or deterministic as we thought.

      It highlights the importance of the observer. In classical physics, the observer is separate from the observed system. In quantum mechanics, the observer plays an active role in shaping the outcome of an experiment. This suggests that consciousness may play a more fundamental role in reality than we thought.

      It opens up new possibilities for our understanding of space and time. In classical physics, space and time are absolute entities. In quantum mechanics, space and time may be more fluid and relational. This suggests that our understanding of space and time may need to be revised.

      Overall, understanding Schrödinger’s dilemma is essential for understanding the nature of reality because it forces us to confront the limitations of our classical understanding of the world and opens up new possibilities for our understanding of consciousness, space, and time.

Ayele Teklemariam

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A summary and review of Jonathan Wiener’s book “Long for this world “

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A summary and review of Jonathan Wiener’s book “Long for this world “

        1} Death and Birth are like two faces of a coin that one can’t be with out the other.If there is one there is the other.This seems rather a universal true paradoxical phenomenon.

         2} Matter builds and self destructs from the ground up and down to the ground . Ground being the fundamental form.Perhaps to the basic fundamentals of its forms of which some are yet illusive and not fully accounted for or are only known by their absence from the felt and perceived totality.
        3} There seems to be a fixed rate of building and self destruction rate at the fundamental levels that the building period corresponds to the size of the form to be built and destructed that pertains to the life span
of the discreet form in context.
       4} Matter lives in a form and shape from the biggest known to the smallest known for a fixed time for which building and self destruction is the limit depending on the mass size of the form. An elephant lives longer than a mouse by the size of its proportion to the size of the mousse if compare to the life expectancy of the mouse and an elephant, there is a corresponding ratio of mass to mass of the two species.
       5} We are part of this self constructing and self destructing universe whose mass is on the average fixed thus takes us a fixed time to build and self destruct. Like all matter in the universe including the universe it self.
       6} Our body is not a construction of a perfect blue print rather a perfection of the blue print in the process of building, thus every part of our body ages or self destructs at a different rate ensuing the misery of old age. We don’t grow at once and drop at once . We grow over time and drop over time.

      These are my observed and learned foundation upon which I refer when I read this book and see if any of these fundamentals agree or contradict with every and some of the premises the author tried to hit home. As enthused as I was with general them of the book and the efforts it had made to high light and call attention to the plight of the elderly and the aging, I felt some what confused in some of the overreaching conclusions that aging will be averted .
       Aging is a universal phenomenon that even the universe itself is not immune from it is asserted that it began and it is acceleratingly expanding. Perhaps it might at some point end . Or else expansion is with out coast and perhaps that would be the first process in the universe that is with out a tall. A tall paid is often degenerative and decremental to the totality of the payor. As said“Rome is not built overnight “ nor is it destroyed over night
        Perhaps nothing of nature ever gets built in an instant  and destroyed in an instant though it might appear on the scene in an instant as is assumed and believed that the universe itself to be an instant being from nothingness.
       Time is a measure of change of matter in space ,as such matter and space are in a constant state of change and time simply is the measure of these changes. Absent change in matter and space time ceases to exist. Matter and space are never in a state of rest , discreet matter and non-discreet often change from one state to another, from one form to other forms and a form, the universal accelerating expansion attests that space to is a non fixed entity. 

        Perhaps matter and space may not age and loose their fundamental essence of being but the discreet forms we often observe them in never stays the same and if they did we wouldn’t be here in the first place. We and everything else in the universe are here only as an intermediates between what was and what is to be. What is to be will be and nothing at all is spared of this truth, not even the corner stone that we often assume is endowed with eternal state of permanence. Eternity and permanence are not universal phenomenons nor are they “creative “ or if you wish generative.To say the least that is not how we in the universe and the universe itself came about.
       Every creative and generative force by necessity have to have a destructive and degenerative force for what is to be is simply to come from the transformation of the is as the is is of the was.
       Having set the stage why everything material has to undergo change of state and form due to the creative and destructive vulcanism built in to the universe itself and all its universal entities there of, I will like to say some few words about the living universal entities and fade. At the basic fundamental level that all all living things share a common digital program called gene has been said time and again now that it need be said her again, but a little up the ladder we encounter another common entity between the different living kingdoms called the Cell. 

        If I may take a wild guess here not at all supported by an expert opinion, all animal cells of a kind divid at the same rate ,then the total cells that will build an elephants body would many times over the number of cells that are to build a body of a mole rat. If we are to compare the the number of cells in the fully grown elephant to those of the fully grown mole rat would it be fair to assume the life expectancy of the elephant to the mole rat will have a direct proportionality.This hypothetical proportionality may as well have to be taken in to account to understand the life expectancy disparity of the species named . 

       That as it is ,the age variance between dwarfs of a species and normals like wise could be be seen in this light. If that is true, then when broadly generalized, age is nothing but a time that takes to build a body to a pre-specified size and destruct. A curse of being in the universe and part of the universe.
        Evolution is not a building from a perfect blue print it is rather a dynamic process of building according to the demands of circumstances encountered and what was perfected yesterday by yesterday’s circumstances only a crude beginning to what tomorrow’s circumstances might demand and a perfected blue print for today’s subsistence. 

        Our own body as a product of these evolutionary process of building to the demands of the circumstances, and circumstances did not demand that we have all our limbs and body parts at all times of our development, they were rather built one or two at a time in response to the circumstances as is evidenced by our own embryonic development and beyond. Is there any wonder then that what was not built at once not to crumble at once? As they were built one at a time they age one at a time. Every part’s failure a painful and miserable experience for the coordinated whole.

Ayele Teklemariam

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Crowdsignal blocks in WordPress

Welcome to this little demo page! We would love to introduce you to our set of Crowdsignal blocks and created this post for you, so that you can test and play with all of them right inside of your editor.

Preview this post if you would like to test the Crowdsignal blocks from your visitors perspective. Oh and please feel free to delete this draft post anytime, it was only created for demo purposes.


Let’s start with a quick overview of all our current blocks available in your WordPress editor. You can find all these blocks inside your block library via searching for their name or simply by searching “Crowdsignal”.

If you want to learn more about Crowdsignal please go to and join our little community all about feedback here.


We all have opinions! Curious about the opinion of your audience? Start asking with our poll block. It makes creating a poll as fast and simple as listing bullet points.

 You can choose between a button or a list style for your answer options, and you can fully customize the styling of the block.  By default the poll block will support your theme styling, but it’s up to you if you want to keep it. You can customize the style how you want, from font-family to border colours.

Just click in the poll below and start editing.

And everything else you expect from a Crowdsignal poll is also available — such as setting “single answer” or “multiple answer” choices, a customised confirmation message, poll timeframe, and avoidance of double voting.

Here is a short demo video for how to set up this block, not that you would need it 😉

Feedback Button

You might have spotted it already, in the bottom left corner of this page: Our Feedback button.

This is a floating button that lives above your site’s content. Always visible this button makes giving feedback easy! User can send you a message and provide their email address so you could can get back to them. Needless to say that you can fully customize the design and text, including the label of the button itself. Feel free to make it a “Contact me” or “Say hello” button or anything you like.

And yes, you can change its placement! You can put the button in any corner of your site. Just try it! Click in the feedback and start editing.

Don’t miss out on your customers’ feedback. Keep your door open anytime and place a feedback button on all your pages.


Sometimes we need just quick and fast feedback from our audience. A quick voting button might be all you need. Fully customizable of course.

There is already a “like” button at the end of a WordPress post that you can click to express satisfaction or agreement. But what if you want to ask readers their opinion on a subject in the middle of a post? Or what if you want to present several ideas and find out which one is the most popular? Wouldn’t it be great to ask readers what they think without having to leave the editor or switch to another service or plugin?

That’s what we thought! Say hello to our Voting Block:

It’s a simple block that adds two voting buttons—thumbs up, thumbs down—to your post wherever you want to place them. Customize the block in different sizes and colors, with or without a border, and with or without a visible vote counter. Put several in a single post, next to different ideas, to see how they stack up for readers. Make the block your own!


The Applause block is a simpler and more playful version of our Voting block. The main differences are users only being able to give positive feedback and encouraging users to “make as much noise as they want”. Meaning this block does not only allow repeated voting, but even encourages it.

Let your audience make some noise with a big round of applause.

Preview this post and try clapping yourself! It’s fun.

The block currently comes in three different sizes, and can be customised with a button-like styling, including a border, border radius and some colour customisation options.

Embed Surveys & Forms

So far we only talked about quick and fast ways to collect feedback or opinions from your audience. But what if you have many questions or want to create simple forms? You can do this with Crowdsignal, too! Create a survey or form on and embed it into your WordPress post or site. Similar like here:

The Crowdsignal survey above was embedded using our “Single question per page mode.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: In this mode, no matter how many questions your survey has, your respondents will always see one question at a time. Single Mode shines when you embed a survey into your website or blog post. Surveys with multiple questions can take up a lot of space, overwhelming your site. If you’re not sure whether your readers will take the survey at all, it disrupts the reading experience. With Single Mode, a survey  uses the same amount of space as an image, even a really long survey.

Once they provide an answer (or skip the question),  the next question loads. It has a playful  feel, like flipping through a slide show. Every answered question feels like progress.

You can choose between several transition options, and decide whether the questions should move from top to bottom, or from left to right.

Ready to create one? Here’s how:

– Go to (we will log you in with your account – magic ;)) .

– Create a new survey.

– In the Editor, choose “Single Mode” at the top left.

– Then create as many questions as you like and style your theme.

– When you are ready click on Sharing and copy the URL of your survey.

– Go back to your WordPress editor and paste the URL of your survey into your post

– Done! Your survey will appear in your post.

Here is a short demo video for you that shows you how it works in less than a minute:

Measure NPS

While we are driving our projects, working hard on our products, we all wonder: How are we doing? Are people satisfied with our service? Are we doing better since last month? 

Sometimes you want to measure your progress over time. Measure and monitor the customer satisfaction and growth potential of your product with a Net Promoter Score.

We have built a Gutenberg block for you that makes it easier than ever before to track your Net Promoter Score on WordPress. If you have previewed this post before, you might have seen the NPS question already in a modal window.

The moment you add the block, you are basically done. The design of the block is based on your site’s theme. You can still customize the styling of the block, or edit the questions, but that might not even be necessary.

To get the most out of your NPS data, it is important to show the question only to users that are already familiar with your service or product. You can configure the block to only show to repeat visitors. It’s more likely you will get feedback from someone who knows what they are talking about, and you can make sure new users are not interrupted during their first visit to your site.

After you publish the block go to the results page of the block and monitor your results. We have built a special results page for you to track your NPS score and to analyse any additional feedback.

We provide an analytics dashboard with our block that automatically calculates the Net Promoter Score for you in real-time and allows you to monitor your score over time. Are the differences geographic? Filter your results based on countries.

By the way, did you know you also can get email notifications or a ping in your Slack channel any time you get an NPS rating? Just click on the little “connect” button on your results page.

Here is a quick tutorial video on how it works.

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መኖር ካሉትማ  ጊዜን መቁጠሩን

እያዩዩ አለማየት መሽቶ መንጋቱን

ሰምቶ መደንቆሩን የእልፍ አእላፉን

ስቆቃ ሮሮውን በደል ልቅሶውን 

ከዕውነቱ አምባ አለመቆጠር አለመታየቱን

አምኖ አለማመንን በደሉ ግፉን 

ውሸትን ደፍሮ እውነትን ፈርቶ

ጥቅምን አፍቅሮ ህሊናን ከድቶ

በዘመናችን ብዙ ሰው ኒሯል

ድምጹን አጥፍቶ።

ከሰዎች መሀል ሰው ይከሰታል

ለእውነት ኖሮ ሳይፈራ ያልፋል

በታሪክ ዳራ በሰው ልቦና 

የሚሰራለት የማይፈርስ ሀውልት 

የማይረሳ ጣዕመዜማ የሚዘመርለት።

የቅሬታ አልባ  ጸጸት ላልነካት

በክህደት አምባ ጽዋ ላላነሳች  

በንጹሀን ደም  ላልትነካካች

በውሸት ካባ ላልተኮፈስች

እ ውነቱን አቅፋ በዱር ላደረች

በፍቅረንዋይ ላልነሆለለች

በቅጽበተ ፍሰሃ ላልተማለለች

በታሪክ ዳራ በሰው ህሊና የሚስራላት 

የማይፈርስ ሃውልት 

ጊዜማይሽረው ጣእመዜማ ሚዘርላት 

የይቅርታ ወ ፀጸት አልባ ሕይወት‹

የጭለማ ቀን ብርቱ ብርሀን 

ቀኝ  እጁን ዘርጊ በመክራ ቀን

በሞት መካከል አድራሽ መድህኒት 

በደካሞች መካከል ደራሽ በቅጽበት  

በሙታን መህል አስከሬን ቀባሪ 

በትርምስ ውስጥ ስራትን ሠሪ

በእብሪተኞች ውስጥ ጉልበት  ሰባሪ

ከሰዎች መሀል የህሊና ሰው 

 ቦታ ፤ጊዜ ወኩነት የምትከስተው

 ይከሰታል ሰው።

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A review of “The Road To Reality” by Roger Pernose

“Complete guide to the Laws of the Universe”

It has become known that we humans think of the past when we think of the future, in a sense our understanding and perception of the present is a modified past and our understanding and imagination of the future may be is a highly modified and perfected version of the present and the past. It sounds and it indeed is appropriate to question what reality is and where we stand in relation to it in the Grand Universal scheme of beings prior to making an effort to stand on the path that would possibly lead us there.

What really is reality? Have we ever been real in the real sense of the word? Or we have already been at reality and never been separated from it since? Suppose reality is real, what could possibly be true of the reality of the unreal? Is unreality as real as reality itself? The Universe is real does it possibly have an unreal counterpart? If the existence of reality is confirmed, what about the existence of non existence do the laws of the real universe as well govern and describe the unreal universe? Is the reality of complex numbers descriptive of the unreal? Or are the virtual and the unreal the same? Or where as the virtual has some basis of existence while the unreal has none?

It is enough to ponder about and engage one’s mind in a mental gymnastics for a long time to come and for many people in the generations now and after. One great hope in the whole thing here is that  in whoever does what now, those who were then are not forgotten and those who are doing anything now will as well remain in those who will be, on the road to the future every step forward takes us and them equal steps to the past and maybe it is true that our future lies in our past and we don’t even know it. “A Historian is a prophet looking backwards” as quoted by John Barrow on his “New Theory of everything” From August Von Schlegel.

As history is a set of past discreet points and line segments past high, low and medium points of past incidents and happenings when plotted that approximates a whole trend from which the whole present and future can be predicted. History as such when looked as a well connected trend becomes a path way to our future for the future and the present are continuations of the past and the line segment that started way back in history continues along more or less fairly predictable path. It is expected that that line segment to deviate from the expected straight path trajectory once in a while which would be accounted for as facts in past history and future are made clearer and reveal themselves, but with non total reversal of course.

As we are stuck in between our past and future, the reality that we often search so hard for could have been already there and we knew it already or perhaps it is what we think we know that we often don’t that we are often amnesiacs and our memory short lived when it comes to our past history .Thus the role of history seems to fetch in to our past memory and remind us of what it was like and how we built on it and reveal to us what lays underneath the present that is indicative of the trajectory of our future direction.

last edited on 12/22/07  

Ayele Teklemariam

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